
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Morning of Fog and Grey

This poem is based on eerie feelings and thoughts I've had countless times upon waking to an empty house, seeing nobody walking on the streets, and so on. Typically days like this are dark and overcast, so people aren't out and about the town. The thought that keeps going through my mind is that as far as I know, nobody else exists except for me until I see them. Thus the Schroedinger reference. Enjoy. And just remember, you aren't ever truly alone.

I awake to the sound of rain
Pitter-pattering on the roof outside
Gently tapping like a curious spirit
Long since died
It calls me to the window
I stand there, hands cold against glass
Remaining in place, my fingers numbing
But it will pass
Breathing lightly, I know I am alone
House and streets vacant to my eyes
Yes, the parks and fields as well
I cannot deny
Have they all gone away?
Am I left here to stay?
Confined to this empty world
On this morning of fog and grey
How do I discover the truth?
Is there any life other than me? I insist!
How am I supposed to know
If anyone else exists?
Schroedinger has everything in a box
Locked away from my perception
It is kept out of reach and sight
He cannot make an exception
Is this some sort of silent apocalypse?
Has rapture occurred over night?
Regardless of cause I am here alone
All humanity, out of sight
Have they all gone away?
Am I left here to stay?
Confined to this empty world
On this morning of fog and grey?

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